Grateful Dead Ramblings
An Old Tour Head's Dead page
The Dead came to Duke University
in '78-I was in school
at another college and had
exams-damn-and still hadn't seen them
I listened heavily to Blues
For Allah &
Terrapin Station
Mars Hotel
I still love Mars Hotel & think Terrapin is way overproduced
but has excellent music on
I finally got to see the Dead
in Charlotte N.C. in 1979
It was Brent's first East
Coast Show
I got a spot right in front
of Phil & Brent on stage left side
It was interesting because
Bob & Brent seemed to compare notes
all night long much like you
would do with a new musician
in your band. The show was
good but I was still not hooked
Finally on my birthday night-my
college friends chartered a
bus-handed out beers and buds
to all
and we went to see the Dead
At the Fabulous Fox
Theatre In Atlanta Ga. Nov
Here I found out what the
Dead Experience was all about
Brent's Keyboard was turned
up louder than I ever
heard it since-The band was
on-Jerry was smiling
Phil was pounding-The setlist
was fantastic-the Fox Theatre
was a complete trip &
so was I
It was a calamity getting
all 40 Deadheads back onto our
charter-It took 3 hours to
pull us out of the
fancy bar across the street.
Our old conservative bus driver
was a complete wreck.We Kept
giving him tip money to
keep him from turning us in
to the police.
(By the way-later in life
i got to see Frank Zappa twice
at the Fox.)
Our bus driver finally pulled
over at a
in S.C-I went in and ordered
42 grilled cheese
sandwiches for the driver
and us Deadheads.
(i don't think the cooks liked
The local cops pulled up -and
circled our bus a few
times-we handed the driver
more cash-he waved them
off-and we finally made it
back to Charlotte N.C.
happy and feeling like family.
I stayed up the whole next
day buzzed and waiting
to find out when i could get
on the
the actual charter bus sorry)
Dead Bus Again
"Once in a while you get shown
the light-
in the strangest of places
if you look at it right"
Part 3 of my Grateful Dead Story